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applications and documentation to optimize employees' tax positions, including comprehensive data analysis and communication with assignees. -Diligently maintain detailed tax records and documentation for accuracy and audit-readiness. -Stay informed on the latest developments in international tax laws and regulations. -Compile and present tax reports to management, auditors, and tax authorities, highlighting key findings and recommendations.. -Gain a broad understanding of other service lines within the business to identify cross-functional issues and collaborate with Tax SMEs for integrated solutions. -Conduct in-depth research on country-specific tax issues, particularly in areas where the organization operates. -Act as the primary point of contact for clients with employees on business trips, offering exceptional service and support -Regularly communicate with clients to update them on the progress of trip assessments, address concerns and ensure client satisfaction -Responsible for the financial management of the engagement (this includes billings, collection, metrics & KPIs tracking ) -Collaborate with clients to implement Global Mobility Tax strategies minimizing liabilities for both the company and the employee -Recognize and actively seek out fresh business prospects within the existing client base, gained through a deep understanding of their changing requirements -Work to expand the client portfolio and nurture existing client relationships to drive revenue growth -Analyse market trends and competitive landscape to identify potential growth areas and opportunities", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.vialto.com/careers/job/563602798193101", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563602798193093, "name": "Tax Intern - Global Mobility Services", "location": "Kolkata, West Bengal, India", "locations": ["Kolkata, West Bengal, India"], "hot": 0, "department": 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clear understanding and compliance. -Analyze employee compensation and payroll data to accurately calculate tax liabilities and identify potential benefits. -Prepare supporting applications and documentation to optimize employees' tax positions, including comprehensive data analysis and communication with assignees. -Diligently maintain detailed tax records and documentation for accuracy and audit-readiness. -Stay informed on the latest developments in international tax laws and regulations. -Compile and present tax reports to management, auditors, and tax authorities, highlighting key findings and recommendations.. -Gain a broad understanding of other service lines within the business to identify cross-functional issues and collaborate with Tax SMEs for integrated solutions. -Conduct in-depth research on country-specific tax issues, particularly in areas where the organization operates. -Act as the primary point of contact for clients with employees on business trips, offering exceptional service and support -Regularly communicate with clients to update them on the progress of trip assessments, address concerns and ensure client satisfaction -Responsible for the financial management of the engagement (this includes billings, collection, metrics & KPIs tracking ) -Collaborate with clients to implement Global Mobility Tax strategies minimizing liabilities for both the company and the employee -Recognize and actively seek out fresh business prospects within the existing client base, gained through a deep understanding of their changing requirements -Work to expand the client portfolio and nurture existing client relationships to drive revenue growth -Analyse market trends and competitive landscape to identify potential growth areas and opportunities", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.vialto.com/careers/job/563602798193093", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 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