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Our purpose is to \u2018Connect the world'. We are unique and the only stand-alone global mobility business. This presents a rare opportunity for our clients, stakeholders and colleagues. Our teams help companies streamline and effectively manage their global mobility programs in a cost-efficient and compliant manner. Our services focus on providing cross-border compliance and risk assessment for tax, immigration, business travel, rewards and compensation, and remote work. Working at Vialto Partners is about getting the chance to be part of a global and dynamic team. Globally, Vialto Partners has over 6,500 staff in over 50 countries around the world, and continues to grow. You will work with clients from a range of industries and different geographical locations. We believe in connecting the world and supporting our colleagues to do the same in their careers by undertaking assignments and opportunities globally that broaden their skills and ultimately benefit our clients. Vialto is unstoppable when we work together in a culture of belonging, where everyone can thrive. We encourage employees to bring their true selves and share their unique talents and expertise to positively impact the communities we serve. To learn more about what we do, tune in to our podcast On the Move to hear expert insights on issues affecting global mobility, and read about the latest news in the industry. You can also follow us on Linkedin and Instagram. Job Description We help our clients stay ahead of changes that impact their businesses, navigating complexity and risk. We deliver deep tax technical, people and legal expertise, while providing the critical context to make informed and compliant decisions. With clients ranging from multinational organisations and public sector bodies to entrepreneurs and family businesses, the work we do is diverse. As a Senior Associate, you will be based in the Singapore office and be given exciting opportunities to provide Singapore global mobility services to internationally deployed staff in and out of Singapore across a variety of industries. This will also be a springboard to develop your consulting and advisory competencies. You will manage and work with an exclusive portfolio of clients who have a varying number of internationally deployed staff in and out of Singapore You will deliver a series of tax services to our clients - including managing tax compliance matters from end to end for companies and their expatriate employees, developing effective tax minimisation strategies, identifying tax planning opportunities to minimise tax costs and cross-border tax matters and managing client relationships. Possess good analytical skills to analyse individual and employment tax laws including conducting tax briefings to expatriate employees. Be proactively involved in marketing and business development activities to help identify and research opportunities on new/existing clients Develop strategies to solve complex technical challenges and perspective on key global trends including globalisation, and how they impact the firm and our clients Coach peers and fellow team members to encourage them to take ownership of their development Qualifications Minimum Degree Required: Bachelor degree Required Fields of Study: Accounting, Finance, Economics, Business or any related field Minimum Years of Experience: 3-6 years of relevant experiences (Individual Income Tax) Certification(s) Required: Nil Additional Information We are an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate on the basis of any legally protected status. Please note, AI is used as part of the application process. Global Mobility Podcast | Vialto Partners Tune into our global mobility podcast for moving stories from around the world, expert insights, and the latest news from inside Vialto. Global Mobility Podcast | Vialto Partners Tune into our global mobility podcast for moving stories from around the world, expert insights, and the latest news from inside Vialto.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.vialto.com/careers/job/563602795843117", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563602797478927, "name": "US Global Mobility - Associate - East", "location": "Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America", "locations": ["Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Vialto-Workforce Tax (CS)", "business_unit": "Global Workforce", "t_update": 1726358400, "t_create": 1726358400, "ats_job_id": "REQ904481", "display_job_id": "REQ904481", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ904481-en-US", "job_description": "", "locale": "en-US", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.vialto.com/careers/job/563602797478927", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563602799854613, "name": "Payroll / Shadow Payroll specialist", "location": "Slovakia", "locations": ["Slovakia"], "hot": 0, "department": "Vialto-Workforce Tax (CS)", "business_unit": "Vialto-Workforce Tax (CS)", "t_update": 1725408000, "t_create": 1725408000, "ats_job_id": "REQ904407", "display_job_id": "REQ904407", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ904407-en-US", "job_description": "", "locale": "en-US", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.vialto.com/careers/job/563602799854613", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563602795898792, "name": "Manager", "location": "Gurugram, Haryana, India", "locations": ["Gurugram, Haryana, India"], "hot": 0, "department": "Vialto-Workforce Tax (CS)", "business_unit": "Global Workforce", "t_update": 1712275200, "t_create": 1712275200, "ats_job_id": "REQ903787", "display_job_id": "REQ903787", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ903787-en", "job_description": "Work in tandem with finance and HR departments to ensure precise calculation and reporting of payroll taxes and social security contributions, particularly for remote work arrangements. 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